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Hádegisspjall með forsætisráðherra Finnlands og Íslands
22.nóvember 2022 @ 12:30 - 13:15

English below
Hádegisspjall forsætisráðherra Finnlands og Íslands, Sönnu Marin og Katrínar Jakobsdóttur, um stórar áskoranir og tækifæri samtímans fer fram í sal Þjóðminjasafnsins þriðjudaginn 22. nóvember klukkan 12:30-13:15.
Heimir Már Pétursson stýrir umræðum forsætisráðherranna um sjálfbæra þróun, velsældarhagkerfi og loftslagsaðgerðir, mikilvægi jafnréttis- og mannréttindabaráttu, hlutverk nýrrar tækni gagnvart samfélagslegum áskorunum, skautun í stjórnmálaumræðu víðsvegar um heiminn og áhrif innrásarstríðs Rússlands í Úkraínu á öryggismál Evrópu.
Samtalið er hluti af dagskrá vinnuheimsóknar finnska forsætisráðherrans. Viðburðurinn er á vegum forsætisráðuneytisins og Alþjóðamálastofnunar Háskóla Íslands og er opinn öllum á meðan húsrúm leyfir.
Skráning fer fram hér: https://forms.gle/ybW5hFqLLh6gBCd5A
Viðburðinum verður streymt á www.ams.hi.is og á Facebook Alþjóðamálastofnunar
A lunchtime conversation between the Prime Ministers of Finland and Iceland on Tuesday, November 22 between 12:30 and 13:15 at the National Museum of Iceland.
Join us for a conversation between the Prime Ministers of Finland and Iceland on the numerous challenges currently facing the Nordic region, Europe, and beyond, including the need for robust climate action and sustainable development, the benefits of the well-being economy and gender equality, the importance of new technologies in our societies, on polarization in today´s politics, and how Russia´s illegal war against Ukraine is changing our security environment.
Moderated by Heimir Már Pétursson, Channel 2 TV
The event will take place in English and is open to everyone. Seating is limited please register here: https://forms.gle/jZiUCja19jfmp9TT9
The event will be live-streamed at www.ams.hi.is
Sanna Marin became Prime Minister of Finland in December 2019. She is the Chairman of the Finnish Social democrats and leads a five-party center-left coalition. As a member of parliament since 2015, she is the youngest person to hold the Prime Minister´s office in Finnish history.
Katrín Jakobsdóttir is in her second term as the Prime Minister of Iceland which makes her the longest-serving Head of Government in the Nordic region. She was first elected to parliament in 2007 and became Chairman of the Left-Green Alliance in 2013.