Soroptimist Nordic Leader Academy

Háskólinn á Bifröst Bifröst, Iceland

Soroptimist International is a global volunteer movement working together to transform the lives of women and girls. Thank you for your interest in attending the Soroptimist Nordic Leadership Academy. The Academy will take place in Bifröst in Borgarfjörður, Iceland from 26th of June - 1st of July. Please fill in and submit the attached application… Continue reading Soroptimist Nordic Leader Academy

Hej Förresten! / Hi There!

Iðnó Vonarstræti 3, Reykjavík, Iceland

A story about a child. That lives in a house, in a city, in a country not to different from our own. Not too far away, but neither close. In a web of discovery the person explores it ́s closest world. And at the same time also the world of another. A movement based theatre… Continue reading Hej Förresten! / Hi There!


“Her Past in Their Present Now”

Tjarnarbíó Tjarnargata 12, Reykjavík, Iceland

"Her Past in Their Present Now" is a contemporary dance piece, a personal story based on the choreographer's own life and personal experiences of living with a chronic illness. Five female dancers reveal and express the panic, stress, anxiety, tension and insecurity through strong movements and personal stories on stage. Event Details Price: 1000 ISK… Continue reading “Her Past in Their Present Now”


The First 1000 Days in the Nordic Countries: Supporting a Healthy Start in Life

Harpa Austurbakki 2, Reykjavík, Iceland

Þessi norræna ráðstefna er lokaviðburður þriggja ára samstarfsverkefnis Íslands, Noregs, Finnlands, Danmerkur og Svíþjóðar, sem var formennskuverkefni Íslands í Norrænu ráðherranefndinni árið 2019. Verkefnið snýr að geðheilsu og vellíðan á fyrstu æviárum barna og beinist að því að skoða hvernig Norðurlöndin hlúa að börnum og foreldrum þeirra á þessu mikilvæga æviskeiði. Birtar hafa verið þrjár… Continue reading The First 1000 Days in the Nordic Countries: Supporting a Healthy Start in Life

Norrænt málþing um tungumál

Veröld - hús Vígdísar Brynjólfsgötu 1, Reykjavík, Iceland

Hvernig geta tæknilausnir stuðlað að auknum norrænum tungumálaskilningi? Geta snjallforrit aukið áhuga ungs fólks á norrænu málunum? Hvaða þátt á enska í því að kunnátta ungs fólks í tungumálum nágrannalandanna fer minnkandi? Þann 27. júní verður haldið spennandi norrænt málþing um tungumál í Reykjavík. Málþingið verður einnig sýnt í beinu streymi. Tungumálaskilningur innan Norðurlanda er… Continue reading Norrænt málþing um tungumál

Norræna Lýðheilsuráðstefnan

Harpa Austurbakki 2, Reykjavík, Iceland

Dagana 28.-30. júní verður Norræna lýðheilsuráðstefnan haldin í þrettánda sinn og í ár fer ráðstefnan fram á Íslandi, í Hörpu tónlistar- og ráðstefnuhúsi. Yfirskrift ráðstefnunnar að þessu sinni er „Heilsa og vellíðan fyrir alla – horft til framtíðar“.

Útskrift/Dimisson 3. NGK Norður-Atlantshafsbekkurinn

Beint streymi

Fyrsti árgangur Norður-Atlantshafsbekksins útskrifast sem stúdentar af Náttúrufræðabraut þann 28.júní nk. frá GUX í Sisimiut á Grænlandi. Árgangurinn samanstendur af 20 krökkum, sem útskrifast, frá Danmörku, Færeyjum, Grænlandi og Íslandi. Útskriftin verður í beinu streymi á Facebook-síðu GUX Sisimiut. Hægt er að fylgjast með hópnum á Instragram - Norður-Atlantshafsbekkurinn (Nord-Atlantisk gymnasiumklasse), NGK, er nýjung… Continue reading Útskrift/Dimisson 3. NGK Norður-Atlantshafsbekkurinn

Rhythm, acrobatics, body percussion and beat box with Bugge Bang

Kramhúsið Skólavörðustígur 12, Reykjavík, Iceland

Denmark's neo circus legend in the making takes you on a journey of what your body - yes your body - is capable of. A fun workshop to get your creativity going. Event Details Price: 3900 ISK Duration: 90 mins Genre: Dance, Genre-breaking, Workshop Artist/Production Company: Bugge Bang / Búkalú Country of Origin: Denmark Language:… Continue reading Rhythm, acrobatics, body percussion and beat box with Bugge Bang


Nordklang – Kórahátíð Norðurlandanna

Háskólinn í Reykjavík Menntavegur 1, Reykjavík, Iceland

Kórahátíðin Nordklang er haldin á þriggja ára fresti og í sumar verður hún í fyrsta sinn á Íslandi, 29. júní - 3. júlí. Landssamband blandaðra kóra ásamt Félagi íslenskra kórstjóra skipuleggja hátíðina. Hátíðin fer fram í Háskólanum í Reykjavík og lokatónleikar verða í Eldborg í Hörpu. Boðið verður upp á 9 vinnusmiðjur með mismunandi þemum… Continue reading Nordklang – Kórahátíð Norðurlandanna

I rummet.3

Tjarnarbíó Tjarnargata 12, Reykjavík, Iceland

Sense of "Boundaries" The audience will be placed in a 360° circle around the room, where their field of vision is limited by a hanging paper. Each side of the paper is inscribed with an interlocking geometric pattern, which the dancer recombines as she moves to create a new pattern. The interlocking patterns are a… Continue reading I rummet.3


A Study of Choices

Tjarnarbíó Tjarnargata 12, Reykjavík, Iceland

A Study of Choices is a dance piece with a new cast of dancers for every new evening and location . Three different dancers are given instructions on stage, heard by them and the audience simultaneously. The performance is created by the way the dancers interpret these instructions. With uncertainty as a starting point this… Continue reading A Study of Choices


Mansfantasier//Male Fantasies

Tjarnarbíó Tjarnargata 12, Reykjavík, Iceland

Male fantasies - A rattling drag variety. Gretli & Heidi Brothers take a look at the men they are - want to be - and are expected to be. With their unique glass instruments, their male singing, they consolidate their position as world rulers. When: 1 July 10.00pm Tjarnarbíó 2 July 3.00pm Tjarnarbíó Event Details:… Continue reading Mansfantasier//Male Fantasies

Mind Reader Nordstrandamus

Iðnó Vonarstræti 3, Reykjavík, Iceland

An hour of mind reading, intuition and astonishing coincidences with the Swedish champion of mental magic 2022. Expect a rambunctious cavalcade of inexplicable events. The entire audience is engaged in a playful display of collective consciousness. The performance is an interactive experience from start to finish, with the audience as heroes and co-creators of the… Continue reading Mind Reader Nordstrandamus

The Road

Mengi Óðinsgata 2, Reykjavík, Iceland

THE ROAD is a multi-disciplinary performing arts project that brings together artists from South Africa, France and Sweden through 3D animations, virtual reality and live theater. How will we survive when our loved ones die? Who can we trust? Can we find comfort and help in each other or are we hopelessly lost in grief… Continue reading The Road
