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Arild Andersen Group
18.ágúst 2022 @ 21:15 - 22:15
Arild Andersen Group (NO)
Harpa, Flói
Fimmtudagur 18. ágúst
Athugið! Kvöldpassi er í boði öll kvöld hátíðarinnar í Hörpu en hann veitir aðgang að öllum tónleikum viðkomandi kvölds. Ekki er selt inn á staka tónleika á kvölddagskrá í Hörpu.
Glæný norsk súpergrúppa hefur litið dagsins ljós. Eftir tvö uppseld og vel heppnuð festivalsgigg, ákvað bassagoðsögnin Arild Andersen að halda áfram að vinna með þessu nýja bandi, til hliðar við hans eigið tríó sem hóf samstarf sitt árið 2008.
Hann nefndi nýja bandið Arild Andersen Group og samanstendur hópurinn af nokkrum af hans uppáhalds tónlistarmönnum af yngri kynslóðinni:
Marius Neset – Saxófónn
Hreint og klárt undur, hvort sem er á saxófóninn eða sem tónskáld, en hann skrifar tónlist fyrir stærri hljómsveitir, m.a. the London Sinfonietta og Bergen’s Philharmonic Orchestra. Hans einstaki spilastíll getur skipt á örskotsstundu frá þéttri og rytmískt flókinni spilamennsku yfir í mjúkan og ljóðrænan spilastíl.
Helge Lien – píanó
Tilfinninganæm spilamennska hans, innblásin af frásagnarríkum stíl Bill Evans, frumleika Keith Jarrett og yfirlætislausum túlkunarstíl Brad Mehldau, hefur skapað honum eftirtektarvert nafn á alþjóðlegum vettvangi. Ásamt Marius Neset, tók hann nýlega þátt verkefni EST Symphony, en auk þess hefur hann gefið út 10 plötur með tríói sínu.
Håkon Mjåset Johansen – trommur
Þekktur fyrir verkefni sín með Trondheim Jazz Orchestra og Ensemble Denada, og einnig verkefni sín með Bugge Wesseltoft, Nils-Petter Molvær og Motif. Hann gaf einnig út tónleikaplötu með kvartett sínum sem skartaði Chick Corea sem sérstökum gesti.
Arild Andersen sjálfan, bassaleikarann með hlýja tóninn, mætti sannarlega titla sem goðsögn á evrópsku jazzsenunni. Ferill hans hófst árið 1967 og lék hann m.a. með hljómsveit Jan Garbarek, sem einnig innihélt þá Terje Rypdal och Jon Christensen, sem gaf út eina af fyrstu plötum ECM útgáfufyrirtækisins, “Afric Pepperbird”. Eftir það lék hann m.a. með Sonny Rollins, Don Cherry, Chick Corea, Dexter Gordon, George Russell, og fleirum. Á tíunda áratug síðustu aldar stofnaði hann hið goðsagnakennda band, Masqualero, ásamt Jon Balke, Nils-Petter Molvær, Jon Christensen og Tore Brunborg, sem túraði um allan heim. Á síðari árum hefur hann m.a. unnið með Tomasz Stanko og Pat Metheny.
Hann hefur gefið út 22 plötur undir eigin nafni hjá ECM. Katalógur hans í heild sinni er í raun sérkafli í jazzsögunni, en umfram allt er hann vel tengdur nútímanum þar sem spilagleði hans, grúvtilfinning og hugmyndaríki sameinast óviðjafnanlegri spilatækni. Hann er líka frábær lagahöfundur og inniheldur lagasafn Arild Andersen Group mestmegnis tónlist eftir hann.
”It’s quite unbelievable that a quartet with four individualists, four top-level musicians, can play so incredibly coordinated as if they were one single musical organism. And on top of that, the band leader gave his audience some magic experiences on his bass, leaning over his instrument with a big smile and his shoulders slightly raised in pure enthusiasm ” Live Sætre, Dagningen (from Dølajazz, Norway)
Nánari upplýsingar: www.arildandersen.com
Arild Andersen : bassi
Marius Neset : saxófónn
Helge Lien : píanó
Håkon Mjåset Johansen : trommur
Arild Andersen Group (NO)
Harpa, Flói
Thursday 18th of August
Please note! An evening pass is available for each night of the festival at Harpa Concert Hall. The pass is valid for all concerts on the night. Tickets are not sold for individual concerts in Harpa.
A new Norwegian supergroup has been born. After two successful and sold-out festival gigs, bass legend Arild Andersen decided to continue working with this lineup, parallel to his trio, which started in 2008.
ARILD ANDERSEN GROUP is what he calls the band, for which he selected some of his absolute favorite musicians in the younger generation:
Marius Neset, sax.
Truly a comet both as sax player and composer, writing for big ensembles such as the London Sinfonietta and Bergen’s Philharmonic Orchestra. His unique way of playing can rapidly change from tight and rhythmically complex to soft and poetic.
Helge Lien, piano.
His delicate playing, inspired by Bill Evans’ lyricism, Keith Jarrett’s inventiveness, and Brad Mehldau’s subtle expression, has given him international recognition. Along with Marius Neset, he recently participated in the EST Symphony project and he has released ten albums with his trio.
Håkon Mjåset Johansen – drums.
Well known for his work with Trondheim Jazz Orchestra and Ensemble Denada, and also with Bugge Wesseltoft, Nils-Petter Molvæ,r, and Motif. He has also released a live CD where his quartet is guested by Chick Corea.
Arild Andersen himself, the bass player with the warm tone, can truly be called a legend in European jazz. His career started back in 1967, and the band with Jan Garbarek, Terje Rypdal och Jon Christensen released one of the first ECM albums, Afric Pepperbird. During the following years, he played with Sonny Rollins, Don Cherry, Chick Corea, Dexter Gordon, George Russell, and many others. In the 90s he started his legendary band Masqualero with Jon Balke, Nils-Petter Molvær, Jon Christensen, and Tore Brunborg which toured worldwide. During later years he cooperated with, among others, Tomasz Stanko and Pat Metheny.
He has released 22 albums under his name on ECM. His whole discography is a piece of living jazz history, but above all, he is firmly connected to the present, and his big musical joy, groove, and creativity are combined with an excellent technique. He is also a fantastic composer, and Arild Andersen Group’s repertoire consists mainly of his songs.
More info on www.arildandersen.com
”It’s quite unbelievable that a quartet with four individualists, four top-level musicians, can play so incredibly coordinated as if they were one single musical organism. And on top of that, the band leader gave his audience some magic experiences on his bass, leaning over his instrument with a big smile and his shoulders slightly raised in pure enthusiasm ” Live Sætre, Dagningen (from Dølajazz, Norway)
Arild Andersen : bass
Marius Neset : saxophone
Helge Lien : piano
Håkon Mjåset Johansen : drums